As a teenager, I have many memories of walking up a dark gravel road that led to our New Jersey summer home. Surrounded by the darkness of the night, not even the light of the moon could penetrate the large oak trees. At that time, the only source of light was a handheld flashlight. Note …
Tag: iphone
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Jul 28 2013
iPhone Not Starting Up: CPR for a Dead iPhone
In a panic, my son informed me that his iPhone 4S was dead after many failed attempts to start it. This was followed by a reference to replacing it w/ the latest model. Before making that journey to the Apple store for a new phone, we decided to run some additional diagnostics. From this experience, …
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Jan 31 2013
Vine: Packaging your Life in Six Seconds
Twitter, the platform that transformed the way we communicate into 140-character snippets, recently rolled out an iOS mobile application that enables anyone to convey a slice of their life in a 6 second video. Aptly titled, Vine has already hit some records in downloads and shows tremendous potential. After a few minutes of testing this …
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Dec 11 2012
Lost your iPhone?
Where’s my iPhone? This is a question that has surfaced many times around my household, as I have conducted many long searches for missing iPhones. This prompted me to do some research, as I knew there had to be a better alternative to combing the house with a flashlight and a tracking mobile phone. I …
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